
El Llibre de les Bèsties

El Llibre de les Bèsties is a short narration of Ramon Llull’s Llibre de Meravalles, in which a serious reflection on politics is made in the form of fables in which the animal protagonists are an excuse to portray some of the darkest facets of the human condition. The theme tells us that Fèlix meets some friars during his journey who explain to him that there is a great gathering of animals nearby, gathered to choose a king. The lion wins the vote and, as he does not include the fox in his court, the fox tries to rise to power through deceit and fear.

Llull gives us an account of the vices and virtues of the society of his time. The men, however, of all periods are similar and the moral lesson that can be gleaned from the work can be extrapolated to the present time. To make it accessible, it is narrated in contemporary Valencian and accompanied by the atmosphere of the medieval instrumental repertoire.

The performance of El Llibre de les Bèsties by Capella de Ministrers brings us closer to medieval music related to the figure of Ramon Llull and his work with a proposal especially designed for younger audiences. The production combines dance, music, literature, and history, the key elements of this proposal by the early music group Capella de Ministrers. The dramatised concert is supported by audiovisual projections which reinforce the narrative and musical structure, together with a staging with five dancers and several actors.

Educational dossier

Cia. TransferMove
5 actors and actresses / dancers

Capella de Ministrers
4 musicians

Version by Vicent Josep Escartí on the Llibre de Meravelles by Ramon Llull.