EARLY MUSIC MORELLA - International Academy and Festival of Medieval and Renaissance Music

Early Music Morella

Every year Early Music Morella programs are articulated around specific themes designed to stimulate new attitudes that bring us closer to the music of the past. Since 431 Ephesus Council resolved a Marian issue for the first time, a devotion to the Virgin Mary was promoted in the Byzantine sphere that would end up making her the most revered woman of the Abrahamic religions. The X edition of the Festival and Academy Early Music Morella will tackle from first Marian antiphons, sequences or hymns to Cantigas de Santa María, the central axis of this edition as a celebration of the VIII Centenary of Alfonso X El Sabio (1221-2021) birth and the Holy Jacobean year 2021. The Marian repertoire also allows us to enter the music of the great Renaissance authors. Among them, the motets or masses of Dufay, Obrecht, Ockeguem, Josquin, Gabrielli, Lasso, Guerrero, Palestrina or Victoria, and many other genres and authors who devoted their music to the Virgin. Santa María thus becomes the recurring theme of this Early Music Morella, while continuing to delve into this musical adventure in instrumental practices, measurement, theory and composition techniques in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the beginnings of musical writing and its notation techniques, oral and written music and their mutual influences as well as instrumental or religious music. The combination of elements of historical music together with those of oral tradition form the essence of Early Music Morella, music to understand, communicate, listen, interpret and enjoy from their knowledge and reasoning. The combination of elements of historical music with those of oral tradition form the essence of Early Music Morella, music to understand, communicate, listen, interpret and enjoy from their knowledge and reasoning. In our X edition in addition to the concerts of the Festival and the Academy of instrumental or vocal improvement, you can enjoy a multitude of parallel activities (guided tours, exhibitions, conferences, Med_Ren Jamsessions, instrument building workshops and we will pay special attention to the actions social networks for the diffusion of early music for young people, the elderly and disadvantaged groups. It will be a pleasure to share it with all of you.

The combination of elements of historical music with those of oral tradition form the essence of Early Music Morella, music to understand, communicate, listen, interpret and enjoy from their knowledge and reasoning. In this VIII edition in addition to the concerts of the Festival and Academy of instrumental or vocal improvement, you can enjoy a multitude of parallel activities (guided tours, exhibitions, conferences, Med_Ren Jamsessions, instrument building workshops and we will pay special attention to the actions social networks for the diffusion of early music for young people, the elderly and disadvantaged groups.





  EMM is member of VEM (Valencia Early Music Festivals), REMA (Réseau Européen de Musique Ancienne) Mediterranew Musixs and Festclásica

LOGO VEM REMAfesclasica  Logo VEM Mediterranew musix


Early Music Morella has been awarded with Asetmico Award 2020 on social and cultural promotion




Early Music Morella is part of Xacobeo 2021official programxacobeo positivo